4 reviews for Filterelement voor Sport Berkey drinkfles
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Replacement Black Berkey filter element for Sport Berkey drinking bottle. The filter is designed to remove or drastically reduce contaminants.
Replacement Black Berkey filter element for Sport Berkey drinking bottle.
The filter is designed to remove or drastically reduce toxic chemicals, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, trihalomethanes, detergents, pesticides, herbicides, chlorides, pharmaceuticals, petroleum-based products, unpleasant taste and odour, sludge, sediment and chlorine.
The procedure is the same as for the larger Black Berkey elements.
The filter element can be used 640 times or 1 year, whichever occurs first.
CAUTION: Do not run hot water through the filter element.
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Our travel companion in New Zealand! Great product!
I am happy with it. So far used only to filter tap water. Water is nice.
Water tastes really good!