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Pure Filters Family Water Filter 12L (including Coldstream FTO PLUS filter elements)


Article number
EAN number
Number of persons
2 persons, 3 persons, 4 persons, 5 persons, 6 persons
Diameter (cm)
Height in cm
Capacity (l)
Coldstream, Pure Filters
Pure Filters
Duarrefstrooss 25
9946 Binsfeld
Tel: 003242902264
Mail: info@pure-filters.com

Pure Filters Family Waterfilter 12L met Coldstream FTO PLUS filterelementen (NSF) is ideaal voor gebruik thuis of onderweg voor iets grotere groepen of gezinnen.

Often bought together with:


Standaard voor Pure Filters Family waterfilter

Met de RVS standaard voor Pure Filters Family waterfilter kun je gemakkelijk een glas onder het kraantje plaatsen. Dit zorgt voor duurzaamheid en stabiliteit.

Kijkglaskraantje RVS voor Pure Filters Family waterfilter

Het kijkglaskraantje RVS voor Pure Filters Family waterfilter, om het waterniveau te zien in de onderste bak van jouw RVS waterfilter van 12 liter.

RVS Kraantje met Aqua Aurora vitaliser voor waterfilter

The stainless steel tap with Aqua Aurora vitaliser for water filter. Vitalise your filtered water at tap for deliciously filtered and vitalised water!

I use these products myself
"I am happy to advise you"
Tom Alaerds

De Pure Filters Family Waterfilter 12L is ideaal voor dagelijks gebruik thuis, op school, op kantoor of zelfs op de camping. Met een capaciteit van 12L is hij geschikt voor iets grotere groepen of gezinnen. De unieke waterfilters van Pure Filters met Coldstream FTO Plus filter elements provide high-quality clean drinking water, free from harmful fluoride, chlorine, chloramines, VOCs, bacteria, protozoa, pharmaceuticals, lead, nitrate, heavy metals, microplastics, PFAS and more! It transforms tap water, rainwater, river or pond water into drinking water, without electricity or complicated installation.

Informatie over de Pure Filters Family Waterfilter 12L

You can easily install this water filter without electricity or water connection. Water is added into the upper container of the water filter and flows down through the microscopic pores of the Coldstream FTO PLUS filter element, which prevent contaminants and other pollutants from passing through it. This leaves only clean, potable water in the lower tank. Want to check how much water is left in the tank? Simply lift the upper container to look into the lower container or choose, for example, the Stainless steel sight glass tap from Pure Filters as an additional accessory.

Ideal for filtering large quantities of water without having to modify a water pipe in, for example, the kitchen. Countertop gravity filters stand independently on a countertop for easy access to drinking water. They use the pressure of gravity along with the filter to remove contaminants from the water, without relying on plumbing or electricity. When the upper basin is filled, water pressure and gravity causes the water to flow through the filters into the lower basin.

Stainless steel design - beautiful and durable

De Pure Filters Family Waterfilter 12L is gemaakt van 304 roestvrij staal voor langdurige duurzaamheid. Roestvrijstalen waterfilters zijn erg populair in woningen en kantoren vanwege hun veelzijdigheid, gebruiksgemak en vermindering van plastic afval. Duurzamer en esthetisch aantrekkelijker dan plastic. Het is een hygiënischer optie dan plastic, minder vatbaar voor bacteriën of schimmelvorming en heeft een hogere weerstand tegen corrosie.

This stainless steel water filter is also available in a 6L variant (Pure Filters Voyager) or een 9L variant (Pure Filters Home).

Coldstream FTO PLUS water filter elements NSF-certified

The Coldstream FTO PLUS water filter element is NSF-certified (NSF/ANSI 42) and tested by a independent laboratory According to NSF/ANSI standards 42, 53 and P231. See the laboratory report for more details and the website of NSF. The Coldstream FTO PLUS filter elements are proven to reduce/remove more than 200 contaminants, including fluoride, chlorine, chloramines, VOCs, bacteria, pharmaceuticals, lead, nitrate and heavy metals, while leaving beneficial minerals and electrolytes in the water.

Kenmerken Pure Filters Family Waterfilter 12L:

  • The ideal water filter for families or slightly larger groups. Suitable for use by 2-6 people
  • Highly durable, polished 304 stainless steel
  • Easy to use
  • No power required
  • Including Coldstream FTO PLUS filter elements, this is an "All-in-one" filter technology - NO additional filters needed for e.g. fluoride reduction
  • The exterior of the Coldstream FTO PLUS filter elements is white ceramic, infused with silver to prevent bacterial growth. The core is patented granular activated carbon-based media
  • Coldstream FTO PLUS filter elements need not be primed (made ready for use) in advance
  • Filter elements are cleanable and reusable. Can be stored in a cool, dry place when not in use. Therefore does not need to remain wet (saturated) when not in use
  • See independent lab report, tested according to NSF/ANSI standards 42, 53 and P231
  • Preserves the healthy and good minerals and electrolytes your body needs in water
  • This water filter holds up to 4 filter elements, so you can choose between 2 or 4 filter elements
  • Capacity: approx. 12 litres
  • Gewicht: circa 4,6 kg
  • Hoogte: circa 57 cm
  • Diameter: approximately 24 cm
  • Filter element life(s): 1,500 litres or 6 months


Box contents:

This product comes with:
- The desired number of Coldstream FTO PLUS filter elements, including fixing materials and blocking plugs.
- 2 stainless steel trays (lower tray and upper tray).
- 1 stainless steel lid.
- 1 button for the lid.
- 1 stainless steel tap.
- 1 non-slip rim for the lower tray.

First-time use:

The Pure Filters water filter is easy to install, without tools or electricity. We refer to our library, hier staan o.a. handleidingen, instructievideo’s en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Hier staat bijvoorbeeld de handleiding van de Pure Filters Family waterfilter. Hieronder ook nog even een kort stappenplan:
1. Remove the product from the box and set the filter elements aside for now.
2. Clean the trays, lid and tap with liquid mild detergent. DO NOT PUT IN THE DISHWASHER! Dry with a soft cloth.
3. Attach the tap to the lower container and attach the knob to the lid.
4. Remove the filter elements from the packaging. If necessary, remove the wing nut and washer from the filter stem. While holding the plastic base of the filter element with one hand, hold it under running cold tap water, rinse and scrub lightly for 2 minutes with an abrasive sponge. MAKE SURE NO WATER GETS INTO THE FILTER ELEMENT HANDLE!
5. Insert the stem (with rubber washer on it) of the filter element through the hole in the upper tray. Tighten the wing nut on the UNDER SIDE of the upper tray. Do not over-tighten. Do this with all the filter elements you want to use or cap the remaining holes with a blocking plug.
6. Place the upper tray on top of the lower tray.
7. Fill the upper container with water and place the lid. DO NOT USE HOT WATER!
8. Still discard the first two cycles of filtered water.
9. You are now ready to use and can enjoy the filtered water.
CAUTION: Do not place this filter in direct sunlight


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